
Heroes Page

Quick overview for busy surfers
Stuff about me
Dare to be different
But is it for me?
Back to the stoneage...
Kettlebells , gyms . Pilates , yoga
What's a kettlebell?
Why kettlebells work so well
Who can benefit?
The Complete Fitness Solution
Old Time Strongmen
Training with kettlebells
Holistic health approach
Bad backs and joints
Aches & pains
Strength Training
Kettlebell (girevoy) Sport
Sample workouts
Stone Lifting
Outdoor training ground
You Only Heal With Cold Steel
Heroes Page
Getting Started
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Unusual athletes I admire

Tassy's own legend , the axeman  David Foster. 28 stone of power and might!
Varya Akulova , world's strongest girl, unblvbl!
95 yo guy breaks the 100m sprint world record
George Jowett , blacksmith , old time strongman, only man to have lifted and pressed overhead a 168 pound anvil!
Yamikasi...the "French" art of free running
My great grandfather Charles Edward Howell , an Edwardian ironmaster who lived in the English midlands.I believe he worked for the Hingley Works,  who were responsible for casting the Titanic's anchor. As the anchor was designed to sink , he kept his job...
 I guess the genes for ironmastering have been passed down , explaining my fascination for exercising with and manufacturing oddly shaped iron objects.



George Jowett

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