In this hectic
, industrialised world , we are modern people trapped in paleolithic (stone-age) bodies that have evolved to cope with , and need regular vigorous physical challenges to remain fully functional.
hours of study and office toil or unremitting physical labour “dumb down” the normal human potential for powerful
, graceful and painfree movement. Keep an animal confined and it will lose its natural
survival ability.
fitness is a fascinating subject. For more , please explore this site:
Modern systems of exercise have until recently used vanity rather than functionality as a marketing tool. You
know well the blurb : “look great , feel years younger , lose flab and cellulite , tone up for summer, get that
six pack, buns of steel etc etc.”
Delving behind
these stereotypical scenes uncovers all manner of “hidden knowledge and secrets” which put practical fitness and skill before the (inevitable) secondary effects of “sex appeal” , for want of
a better term.
Some of us are
committed to promoting methods of REGAINING OUR POPULATION VIGOUR!