1. Preface Page 3
2. Introduction 4
3. A history of Girevoy Sport 5
4. Beginning GS - safety 6
5. General uses for kettlebells 7
6. The spectrum within Girevoy Sport 8
7. Brief overview of the rules of competition 9
8. Safety principles for Girevoy Sport novices 10
9. Foundational kettlebell exercises relevant to GS 11-16
a. Swing
b. Clean & rack position
c. Press
10. Snatch 17-20
11. Jerk
a. Short cycle 21-28
b. Long cycle 29-30
12. Restrictions & problems & how to address them 31-32
13. Overtraining 33
14. Assistance exercises for GS 34-38
15. Other activities with carryover benefits for GS 38
16. Competition techniques useful in training practise 39-40
17. General approach to training sessions 41
18. Training programs 42-44
19. Program design , long term planning , logs 45
20. Girevoy Sport mesocycle 46
21. Training times , frequency 47-48
22. Choosing the exercises 49
23. Suggested training templates
a. Snatch programs 50
b. Jerk methods 51
c. Novice : traditional 53
d. Intermediate : traditional 54
e. Circuit 55
f. An additional jerk training method 55
24. Tapering prior to competition 56
25. Additional information 56
a. Stretching
b. Trigger point therapy
26. A note about GS ranking systems 57
27. Internet resources 57
28. 2008 Russian Ranking tables 58
29. About the author 59
30. IUKL certificate acknowledging Girevoy Sport Australia 60