Girevoy Sport Australia

Training template

Kettlebell Manuals
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The complete strength athlete
Introduction to kettlebell sport
The Russian Mission (SY Smolov)
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Finding your GS feet
Training template
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The following is an example of the periodisation and peaking cycles used to guide training towards a personal best or competition. There are many ways to skin a cat but if you are new to GS and keen to make solid progress I suggest giving it a has worked well for me.
By choosing appropriate weights , training regularly with at least one rest day between lessons,  and gradually adjusting the load - success is assured.
The percentages are a rough guide ; it is hard to specify whether you should train for time or load ; to some extent an empirical approach works well. As you eliminate obvious weaknesses you will gain a feel for the natural progressions within each cycle. Most of all , a template assists in maintaining a committment to consistent purposeful training.
(The template is taken from a Russian guide to kettlebell sport)

Preparation Phase   :   6-12 weeks   :   Volume and intensity gradually increase
     Part 1 - 1st half of phase   :   1/2 strength emphasis , 1/2 general conditioning
     Part 2 - 2nd half of phase  :   1/3 strength emphasis , 2/3 power endurance
Competitive phase   :   6-8 weeks
     Part 1 - 1st third of phase  :   1/3 strength work , 2/3 power endurance
     Part 2 - 2nd part of phase  :   1/4 strength work , 3/4 power endurance
     Part 3 - 3rd part of phase   :   100% power endurance
Strength work can be performed with kettlebells alone or combined with barbells.
Power endurance whilst mostly using kettlebells can be supplemented with barbell work e.g. squat jumps.
There are many ways to train. It is reasonable that novices should practise the following ; circuits are useful , 2-3 rounds with incomplete recovery between sets.
 Swings - always one arm in relaxed style, long sets switching arms as    necessary
 Presses (short and long sets ; +/- with preceding clean; single/double; push press) 
 Squats ( front , back , overhead , jumps from various positions)
 Double cleans and rack walks/holds
 Jerks (1 or 2 arm) with brief pause overhead (2 secs)
 Pullups , pushups and dips (+/- weighted)
A 5-10 minute warmup is desirable , include some calisthenics and with emphasis on shoulder and hip flexibility. The main lesson lasts 30-45 minutes increasing to 60 minutes or so as fitness improves.The session can be completed with an easy run, swim , row or cycle - and learning some relaxation techniques will prove useful for identifying areas of restriction.
On recovery days some light joint mobility practise is useful , together with yoga/tai chi/Qigong and trigger point work (active release (ART))  if needed.
You can split work sessions within a day (we don't all have the luxury of unlimited schedules) but it is best to allow a decent period of recovery - 36-48 hours- especially when you are in the competitive phase. Playing "catch up" for missed sessions will upset the rhythm of your training , from personal experience it's not recommended . Overtraining can seriously derail your plans & I've found it is safer to back off if progress becomes laboured. This is a time to reassess volume , weights , variety and intensity. Obviously,  poor eating and sleeping habits negate hard-won training gains .
Good luck ! The above is just a guide but should give you an idea of the concepts i.e. with a solid base of conditioning , strength flexibility and skill practise you will develop a platform for maximising your work capacity - in GS terms this is your power endurance.

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