Girevoy Sport Australia

Some training specifics

Kettlebell Manuals
The Australian mission
The complete strength athlete
Introduction to kettlebell sport
The Russian Mission (SY Smolov)
Rules of Competition *
GS rankings
Finding your GS feet
Training template
Some training specifics
Training resources
Kettlebell Sport links
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Video Clips
GS video links
Contact Girevoy Sport Australia
Performance Handling general terms

1) Put you ego aside , early on. Even if you are a strong young man , you will struggle trying to train with competition weights i.e. 32kg . The elite athletes have all passed though various learning stages , and in particular have made their way through the grades of progressively heavier kettlebells. In the first instance you should strive to complete a 10 minute set of snatches or jerks using whatever weight enables this accomplishment. If you can't make it with 16s , use 12s or complete the set with short rest breaks. If 16s are achievable, try 24s - when you find the going gets tough , pick up a lighter bell and complete the set. Another method uses progressively longer sets , with the later aim of reducing rest intervals.
If you want to run a 10 minute race you start by jogging the entire distance at whatever pace you can manage. Later you practise speed intervals , and eventually build your stride tempo. Later still you learn to pace yourself throughout the entire race - balancing efficiency with work rate. Use this analogy to train the specific girevoy sport lifts.
2) Choose one or two assistance lifts which address any major faults. It is best to concentrate on these for a few weeks then reassess. Complex training becomes difficult to manage , especially without a coach or in the novice phase.
3) Learn to recognise signals of overtraining. In particular , grip is easily overtrained. Think smart e.g. developing better overhead stability allows rest in the overhead position in the snatches , thus sparing the grip. Thus balance swings and snatches with sets of overhead paused lockouts .
4) Very importantly , keep a training log and note general health as well as the details of a session. Keeping a diary keeps you honest with respect to training regularity , and allows self or external assessment of your progress (or lack of progress).
5) Look , ask and learn!  Various forums abound with training information 
If you want to do well , educate yourself!  And remember , success requires years of mindful practise. You are like a "musician",  learning to master the kettlebell "intrument". Vison and patience is rewarded with success.

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